Preventive Dentistry in Stony Brook, NY

Have you visited your dentist recently? Stony Brook Dental Group advises patients to schedule twice-yearly dental appointments at a dentist near you.

At our office, we firmly believe that preventive dentistry can preserve your teeth, gums, and smile from childhood to mature adulthood.

The Importance of Preventive Dentistry in Stony Brook, NY

Preventive dental care can save you time, money, and pain in the long run. Regular dental visits help detect problems early and usually involve minimally invasive treatments.

Postponing an overdue visit to the dentist may result in complicated, long-drawn, and expensive treatments that could have been avoided with preventive care. During these sessions, we perform exams and cleanings, screen for oral cancer and gum disease, and provide home education for dental care.

Preventive Dentistry in Stony Brook, NY

Preventive care treatment will consist of:

Oral Exams and Cleanings

Our trained dentist will examine your teeth, gums, face, neck, and cheeks for abnormalities, decay, cavities, and infection. Once the oral exam is complete, the hygienist will perform a thorough teeth cleaning to eliminate plaque and tartar from your teeth.

Low Radiation X-Rays

We use the most modern dental x-rays for diagnosis and treatment planning. Dental x-rays are associated with very low levels of radiation and are extremely safe for use.

Oral Cancer Screenings

We will check your oral cavity, tongue, inside of your lips and cheeks, neck and face for lumps, bumps, lesions, rough patches, or any abnormalities. Our dentist in Stony Brook, NY, uses modern technology like the VELscope to detect hidden abnormal tissue that may not be visible during a visual exam.

Why take chances with your oral health? Please call Stony Brook Dental Group for reliable preventive dentistry near you.

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